Three ways to braid extensions - Hairful Things

Three ways to braid extensions

If you want to learn how to braid extensions, you need to be patient as it can be a time-consuming process. Box braids, cornrows, and crochet braids are the most popular types of braiding extensions, and although each method requires time and effort, they are easy to learn.

Braiding box braids with hair extensions

Shampoo and condition your hair before braiding it

It is important to start with clean hair and scalp when you are braiding extensions into small braids, as they usually remain in place for a long period. Before braiding, ensure your hair is dry. You can also cut the extensions to your preferred length before braiding. If you plan to use the full length of the extensions, there is no need to cut them.

Separate your hair into small, even sections

To create box braids, you will need to braid many strands of hair into long, tiny braids. Begin by sectioning your hair into even, small, box-shaped parts. Next, use a small elastic band to gather each section into a bun. For best results, use a comb to ensure that your hair is untangled before you start braiding.

Wrap the hair extension around the natural hair strand

To start, hold the natural hair strand with one hand. Then, take the hair extension and wrap it around the natural hair by folding it in half. Now, you will have two strands of hair extension in one hand, while holding one natural strand in the other hand. 

Make sure to evenly loop the hair extension around the natural hair strand so that the ends meet. This will ensure that your braid is even and neat.

Twist the extension around your natural hair

To achieve the desired result, start by holding your natural hair tightly as you twist the two strands of the extension around it. If twisting proves to be difficult, you can simply cross the extension strands underneath the natural hair. This process will leave you with three strands of equal size.

Start the base braid

To create three strands, begin by taking the natural strand, which is one of the outside strands, and cross it over the middle strand. Next, pull the extension strand to the side, making it an outside strand and letting the natural hair strand become the middle strand. To prevent stray hairs from getting in your way while working with the strands, spray both the hair extension and natural hair with water.

Braid a few strands

To begin braiding your hair with extensions, start by using three initial strands. Braid a few strands to get the braid started and then slide the extension upwards towards the scalp to secure it in place. It is important to avoid braiding too tightly, which can cause damage to the scalp and hair.

Blend the natural hair into the extensions

First, separate your natural hair into two strands. Then, do the same with one of the extension strands. Next, combine one of each of the strands to form two new strands. At this point, two of your strands should be a combination of natural hair and extension hair. You should still have three separate sections of hair.

Continue braiding

After starting and blending the braid, continue braiding until you reach the end of your hair. Once you reach the ends of your natural hair, use some hair spray or water to smooth them down as they blend with your extensions.

Secure the ends

Secure the ends of the extensions with a small hair tie or another method.

Braiding cornrows with hair extensions

Section off a line of hair

Before you start cornrowing your hair, take a long and narrow section of hair and separate it crisply in a straight line from your scalp to your nape. Use rubber bands, clips, bobby pins, or other styling tools to hold the hair that is not in the cornrow section. This will ensure that your hair from the rest of your head doesn't get tangled in the cornrow. Before starting, make sure to comb the hair in the tract straight back to keep it neat.

Separate a thin section near the scalp

To begin cornrowing, take a thin, even section from the very front of the hair next to the scalp to create the base for the braid.

Add the extension hair

To position the hair extension correctly, place it around the natural hair in a way that the natural hair is at the center of the extension. This will create three strands that need to be braided - the extension on the right, the natural hair in the middle, and the extension on the left. To prepare these strands for braiding, hold all three strands between your fingers on one hand. Hold one strand between your thumb and index finger, the middle strand between your index and middle finger, and the last strand between your middle and ring finger.

Begin the braid

To achieve a tight braid, follow these steps: Start by placing your fingers as close to the scalp as possible. Then, take the strand of hair resting between your ring finger and middle finger and hold it between your thumb and index finger on your other hand. Wrap the strand tightly around the base of the hair in the direction of the hand you are using to wrap. As you do this, keep the hair as close to the scalp as possible. Once you have wrapped the strand around the base of the hair, hold it securely between your thumb and index finger. Next, move the middle strand of hair so that it is now between your index and middle finger, while the outside strand rests between your middle and ring finger. By doing this, you have shifted the position of the strands. The hair that originally started at the back is now at the front, the original middle strand (which is your natural hair) is now at the back, and the original front strand is now in the middle.

Repeat this on the other side

Let's start by using the other hand to repeat the same steps as before, but wrapping around the other side of the hair strand. Take the strand that is currently positioned between your ring and middle finger, and wrap it around the hair using the thumb and index finger on your free hand. Ensure that you wrap it around a different side than the one you wrapped in the previous step. Wrap it around your free hand. Then, place the middle and outside strands between the index and middle, and the middle and ring finger, respectively. If you're wrapping with your left hand, the hair will be wrapped on the left side of the strand, and if you're using your right hand, the hair will be wrapped on the right side of the strand.

Continue for three or four turns

For a secure base, continue braiding the hair tightly for 3-4 more turns.

Add hair to the braid

Once you've created the base braid, it's time to add additional hair to it. Take a small amount of hair from the area and include it in the strand between your thumb and index finger. Ensure that you're taking hair from both sides of the area you're braiding. Keep adding small portions of hair directly beneath the braid and complete each turn of the braid.

Continue the braid to the end of your hair

After you have finished braiding all your hair, start doing a box braid and continue until you reach the end of your hair. Use a small rubber band to secure it. Repeat the process for other sections.

Braiding crochet braids with hair extensions

Braid cornrows into your hair

If you want to get your hair ready for crochet braids, the first step is to braid your hair into cornrows. Depending on the type of extensions you are using, you can make 5-6 large cornrows or smaller ones. If you plan to use bulky extensions, you can braid fewer cornrows into your hair. Crochet braids are a type of braids where you first cornrow your hair and then attach the extensions to the cornrows using a latch hook method.

Sew your tails to your cornrows

If your hair is long enough to extend beyond the nape of your neck, you can fold it up and place it directly alongside the cornrow. Then, use a threaded needle to pass it through the cornrow and the braided tail. After that, pull the thread through a loop on the end of the thread and tighten it to secure the hair. Repeat this process a few times along the cornrow.

Attach the extension with a latch hook

To attach a hair extension, first, fold it in half so that its ends meet evenly. This will create a small loop at the center of the extension. Then, gently slide a latch hook under the cornrow and hook the loop of the extension onto the latch hook. Close the hook carefully to avoid tearing, breaking, or snagging your hair.

It is important to use a latch hook tool instead of a regular crochet needle, as the latter can potentially damage your hair. If you don't have a latch hook tool, you can use a bobby pin instead. Insert the bobby pin under your cornrow, leaving only the looped end visible on the other side. After that, slide the extension through the looped end of the bobby pin, pulling the hair through until both strands are even. Finally, slide the bobby pin and extension under the cornrow.

Pull the extension through

To attach the extension to your hair, start by pulling it gently underneath the cornrow until the loop of the extension is below the cornrow. Next, take the strands of the extension and pull them through the loop. Finally, tighten the loop until it is snug against the cornrow. This will securely attach the extension to your hair.

Repeat the same latch hook process

After securing one extension, you can repeat the same process down the cornrow and place them as closely together as you want, depending on the desired look. Once you finish attaching them, you can put the extensions into twists or braids.


Original article: How to Braid Extensions on wikiHow.

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